Parts of this site are still under re-construction. Let us know at info@indigesteam.ca if you find something wrong. Check back often!
IndigeSTEAM 's mission is the provision of Indigenous-led and culturally-relevant programming in STEM/STEAM to support a better future for Indigenous youth and their communities in STEM. We do this with spaces that are ethical and respect Indigenous culture and Ways of Knowing. We show the STEM/STEAM in Indigenous Culture and known through time immemorial. We bring in Indigenous STEM role models and train non-Indigenous and Indigenous STEM professionals how best to work with Indigenous youth and youth in general. We also provide the Indigenous STEM professionals with networking and support that recognizes their need to walk in two worlds. We also promote ReconcilAction and Reciprocity through teaching Indigenous Ways of Knowing through STEM/STEAM.
Indigenous people are VERY under-represented in STEM education and careers as many don’t see that STEM is open to them. Besides the goals of diversity in STEM industries, this is of concern to Indigenous communities building their future leadership and they are encouraging their communities, especially their youth, to develop Two-Eyed Seeing in STEM subjects. The solution is not just STEM outreach programs to Indigenous youth, but ones that respect Indigenous perspectives, have Indigenous STEM role models and include the whole community (parents and Elders) so that youth see this as important and for them. It is also an important way for the non-Indigenous STEM community to learn Indigenous ways of seeing the world.